Monday, March 25, 2013


Have you ever heard anyone say, I just LOVE to fill up my car? The gas station is my favorite place in the world? Or, I had 10 minutes to waste so I went to the gas station? Maybe they're out there, but I haven't crossed a person yet who think that filling their cars up with gas is well, a gas.

To me, there is nothing more mind numbingly boring than standing there with a slow pump waiting for your car to fill up. What a ridiculous waste of time.

<---- That's me. Mad, mad mad. Stupid gas pump.

Picture this...waking up in the morning and going to your car. You groan, because you just remembered that you forgot (one of my favorite pastimes) to fill up the car with gas. That was me, this morning. No problem, you may think...quit your whining and just stop and get gas for crying out loud!

Here come the excuses....

Of course, I was late....for Preschool. On carpool day, on my work day. Which means that not only was I supposed to pick up another little for preschool, but I was supposed to be there at least 5 minutes early so that I could be at my station, hands washed ready to go. Running late, meant absolutely NO TIME to stop for gas. So I had to keep an eye on the "range" my car estimates and hope that it was generous. Hope. Pray....

We started with 17 miles estimated range. The first little pickup is 2.2 miles away from our house. No problem, right? That leaves plenty of gas left to get to preschool. 14.8 miles worth, to be exact. Or an exact estimate. Anyway, preschool is then 8 miles from little pick. BIG chunk of that estimate, so that knocks me down 6.8 miles left on range. Still plenty to find a gas station, right? BULL WRONG. Preschool is in the boonies. There is literally no gas station closer than 4.6 miles away. Holy cow. That meant I would almost literally be rolling in to the gas station on fumes. With two preschoolers in the car. Oi vey.

But what are you going to do? We were already late, had to get to preschool, in theory I had the gas to get us to preschool and then to a gas station. Let's see what happens....

Famous last words. Of course, as I'm pulling off of the freeway towards the gas station, my car does "the sputter". Anyone who, like me, is not responsible enough to keep their cars above the scary line of no gas knows what I'm talking about. So, the car lurches. My ever inquisitive almost 4 year old says, what was that? I'm trying not to panic...and calmly reply, oh we're just getting a bit low on gas. The car is letting me know it's thirsty. Do you see that bird over there? Is it a crow? Something shiny? Please o please be distracted.....

The tots go back to their books. 15 seconds later...SPUTTER. Followed by SPUTTER, SPUTTER. Holy cow...we are maybe 15 feet away from the pump. Please please please make it! I try gliding. I had shut off the radio and heater as soon as we left preschool. I actually leaned forward thinking that would help. I tried to keep it together as thoughts of pushing my freaking MINIVAN with two kids inside the last few feet to the pump flashed in my mind. How freaking ridiculously ridiculous. Ugh.

Thankfully, we made it. Kids were safe and sound. I didn't CONSCIOUSLY run that low on gas, we just had an unusually busy weekend and my plan to stop and get gas on our way home Sunday just completely flew out of my head. It was a Monday in every sense of the word. As Garfield said:

The WHOLE time this was going down, I just kept thinking how NICE it would be if I was just able to plug in my car at night. Come out in the morning, on time for preschool (snort) with a full charge and ready to go. What a relief it would be NEVER to have to go to a gas station again. Nightly plug ins, when I'm home sleeping and have AT LEAST a full day's charge.

Le sigh...I can't wait to get my Model S!!

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